World War Two Educational Trails
A variety of different trails, designed to educate and record World War Two activity and history stories in Essex.
Chappel & Wakes Colne, Frinton & Holland-on-Sea and Colchester, have between them an impressive survival of pillboxes, Home Guard spigot mortar emplacements, anti-tank blocks, anti-tank cylinders and artillery emplacements.
Created in association with Essex Councty Council and the Essex branch of the Victoria County History Group, these stories were illustrated working with local historians, to create a series of trails about World War Two and the Gunfleet Estuary, they highlight what existed, and what remains today.
They are all publically-accessible, designed for walkers, tourists, educationalists and those fascinated by our WWII heritage, they add a powerful physical element to the written record. The creation of these trails means Essex now has the most recorded WWII trails of any county in the UK!

Create a series of three walking trails in; Colcheser, Chappel and Frinton-on-Sea to share the area’s history during WWii – signs with short walks which take in pillboxes, anti-tank defences and gunning placements often unique to the region. These walks are both educational and interesting.

- Project management.
- Graphic Design.
- Walking trail design.
- Mapping.
- Leaflet design.